As a video production and photography company based in Vietnam, Singapore, Shanghai, and Seoul for almost 20 years, we have been very fortunate to work with some really great creative agencies, both large and small.
Connecting to your HR target audiences using video and photos is a great way to emphasize your company values and your workplace. Attracting talented, highly motivated people today requires them to find a place that aligns to their value system. There is no other better place to emphasize how your values align than through video and photography.
Global HR campaign insight
For a number of years now, we have worked with Camp Creative to produce video productions and photography in Vietnam and Singapore for a wide range of their clients. Richard, and his team at Camp Creative, are really a wonderful group to work with a lot of experience in implementing campaigns, and their clients are also very open-minded to new creative approaches to their projects.
Recently, Richard called us up to help produce a rather large HR campaign for video as well as photography for their client, Yara. This project was broken down into two parts.
The first part, was to produce a series of videos, highlighting the employees and their stories all over the world and showing how their values system coincided with Yara’s.
The second part of the HR Campaign, was to produce a book, highlighting women working as Agronomists all over he world for Yara as it is a field that is usually dominated by men.
How your creative approach affects the audience
Richard, Yara and us talked over the phone a number of times about the approach that would best tell these stories, and we decided that a documentary with a noncommercial feel is absolutely necessary in order for the story to be viewed by the audience as authentic and to help the audience connect to the employees, their values, and to understand Yara.
Richard and EM Productions really believe that the art of storytelling is the best way to help bridge the values of a company to the audience.
The video aspect of the project was shot globally, with production in Columbia, Norway, Singapore, and Malaysia. EM Productions was responsible for providing full production services, from camera equipment and full crew to logistics, a photography studio, fixing, drones and permits in Singapore and Malaysia. Ehrin, our founder, was the director of photography for all of the projects including Norway, Singapore and Malaysia.
Here are the videos we produced.
Using photography to show company’s value system and core beliefs
The photography aspect of the project, featuring the woman agronomists for the book, was shot in all over the world.EM Productions was responsible for all the logistics and planning involved in setting up the portrait photography with each agronomist in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Thailand, and Seoul, South Korea. The photography for this project was also executed by Ehrin, our founder.

Overall, the HR campaign took 6 months to produce and was received with great success. We are really grateful to our creative agency partners and their clients for these wonderful opportunities and look forward to producing many more.
If your company is looking for creative and fresh approaches to produce a targeted human resource videos or photography to attract, promising talent, please reach out to us so we can schedule a meeting to talk it over.